When most individuals make a large purchase, they understand that planned maintenance can prevent many difficulties in the future. New car owners are diligent about getting their oil changed every three months, replacing air filters, and filling up their tires with air. Homeowners prioritize clearing gutters, raking leaves, and winterizing the house. They understand that proactive planning will prevent future costly repairs.
However, restaurant owners are not always aware that planning scheduled maintenance for their restaurant equipment can save them time and money in the future.
It’s a great strategy to be proactive rather than reactive when it comes to commercial kitchen equipment. Instead of waiting for your equipment to show signs of trouble, you can help prevent or delay those issues by scheduling planned maintenance visits, saving money in the long run. Broken parts can be extremely expensive to fix, and they can shut down the line for hours or even days. This lost revenue can have a significant effect on your bottom line. So, instead of scrambling to find service when something breaks, set up a planned maintenance contract with a reputable service company. Then, even if you do have an unexpected issue, you’ll be in line for priority service because
you’ve established a contractual relationship
with an authorized service agent.
2. A Scheduled Maintenance Plan Protects Your Investment
It can cost over $150,000 to outfit a commercial kitchen properly. That’s a sizable investment. Just as you’d schedule quarterly maintenance on your car or home, your investment in commercial kitchen equipment also deserves to be protected. You’ll feel more reassured and prepared for every scenario with
a maintenance plan in place. When you take proactive steps to prevent equipment failure, you’re protecting your investors’ money, your employees’ livelihood, and your own well-being. Having scheduled maintenance in place takes equipment failure off the
list of concerns in your mind. Instead, you can focus on business development, menu planning, inventory purchases, and everything else on your plate in the restaurant industry.
3. A Scheduled Maintenance Plan Can Protect Your Reputation
Many people think of non-working equipment as merely an inconvenience. But in fact, it can have serious repercussions for a restaurant's reputation. Many restaurants thrive or struggle based on online reviews. When a piece of commercial kitchen equipment goes down, it can affect the timing and quality of meals served to customers. Preventing breakdowns can help protect your local reputation for excellence, which can affect both your team’s morale and your bottom line.
In a busy restaurant, nonfunctional equipment means lost revenue, upset customers, and unfavorable reviews. We all know that if a fryer isn’t at the right temperature, it will lead to burned or soggy fries. Any one of these three things can be detrimental to a thriving business. To stay competitive, restaurants should schedule planned maintenance on all major equipment. A restaurant is made up of several moving parts, and each component must be operating at peak performance. If even one element goes offline, the whole system can grind to a halt. Preventing unexpected breakdowns can keep morale up and revenue flow consistent.
Ready To Set Up Your Commercial Kitchen’s Planned Maintenance Schedule?
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